Sažetak | Osmansko Carstvo, pa tako i sami timarski sustav koji se obrađuje u ovom završnom radu je veoma zanimljiv. Najbolje početi od krize koja je bila nakon srednjeg vijeka. Osmanlije su doživjele velike poraze kod Ankare koji su vrlo lako mogli uzrokovati potpun raspad, ali u prvoj polovici petnaestog stoljeća stvorila se prilika da Osmanlije obnove nekada velik položaj. Sve to je započelo osvajanjem velikog Carigrada 1453. godine. Tadašnji vladar Bajazid I. je time ostvario svoj osvajački cilj. Nadalje što se tiče samog uspona, Osmansko Carstvo je imalo zaista težak početak zbog kriza, ratova, ali su događaji nakon 1402. godine toliko čvrsto uspostavili nadmoć Osmanlija nad ostalim kneževinama da su one tijekom sljedećih tridesetak godina postale osmanski vazali. Ključni je događaj bio uspostavljanje osmanskih uporišta na Balkanu, s izgledima neograničenog širenja prema zapadu. Početni prelazak iz Anatolije u Europu bio je težak budući da su Dardaneli bili u kršćanskim rukama. Mnogo osoba je utjecalo na razvitak i postojanje Osmanskog Carstva, bilo ih je zaista mnogo. Osobe koje su bitno utjecale na razvitak i uspješan tijek Carstva bile su: Mehmed II. Osvajač, Selim I., Sulejman I. Veličanstveni. Što se tiče upravnog dijela Carstva postojala je središnja uprava. Središnja uprava zvala se Carsko vijeće, izvorno. U tadašnjoj osmanskoj državi, središnja uprava je bila glavna djelatnost. Iako je veliki divan bio prije osmanskoga. On se sastajao povremeno da bi razmotrio tužbe naroda i donio pozitivna rješenja, u pravilu najviši sud, ali i glavni izvor sudstva. Saslušanje u pravilu izgledalo tako da je sultan u rano jutarnje doba jednu široku i uzdignutu sofu, dok bi ljudi bili na udaljenosti s koje su mogli vidjeti sultana. Naposljetku što se tiče samog Timarskog sustava. U ambiciji da se stabilizira sustav timara i održava neprekidnu kontrolu, skup najviših ljudi po položaju morali su definirati vrste zarade u regijama i sastaviti liste koji će pokazati razdiobu zarada. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The Ottoman Empire, as well as the timar system itself, which is covered in this final paper, is very interesting. It is the best to start with the crisis that was after the middle ages. The Ottomans suffered great defeats near Ankara, which could easily have caused a complete collapse, but in the first 50 years after the 1500., an opportunity arose for the Ottomans to restore their once great position. It all began with conquest of great Constantinople 1453. Then ruler Bayazid I thus achieved his goal of conquest. Furthermore, regarding the rise itself, the Ottoman Empire had a really difficult beginning due to crises and wars, but the events after 1402. so firmly established the supremacy of the Ottomans over the other principalities that they became Ottoman vassals during the next thirty years. The key event was the establishment of Ottoman strongholds in the Balkans, with the prospect of unlimited westward expansion. The initial transition from Anatolia to Europe was difficult since the Dardanelles were in Christian hands. Many people influenced the development and existence of the Ottoman Empire, there were really many of them. People who significantly influenced the development and successful course of the Empire were: Mehmed II. Conqueror, Selim I., Suleiman I. Magnificent. As for the administrative part of the Empire, there was a central administration. The central administration was called the Imperial Council, originally. In the Middle Eastern country, it was considered the most important activity of the government. Although the great divan was before the Ottoman divan. the sultan met periodically to hear people's complaints and correct injustices, usually the supreme court, but also the highest authority. As a rule, the hearing looked like the sultan in the early morning on a wide and elevated sofa, while people would be at a distance from which they could see the sultan. Finally, what concerns the Timar system itself. For the sake of timar system and keep it constant with high supervision, people with the highest pole positons needed to define all the origins of income in regions and assemble lists that would show the distribution of the sources. |