Sažetak | Predmet ovoga rada je pretvaranje društvenoga vlasništva u privatno. Postupak pretvorbe započeo je raspadom Jugoslavije, te osamostaljenjem Republike Hrvatske. Privatizacijom vlasništva, prešlo se iz socijalističkog sustava u parlamentarni. Kada je postupak privatizacije bio samo ideja, smatralo se da će ono postići veću efikasnost poduzeća, smanjiti nezaposlenost, te smanjiti državni dug. Dogodilo se suprotno. No, ipak, pretvorba društvenog u privatno vlasništvo čini temelj države kakvu danas poznajemo. Sva ona imovina koja nije imala novog vlasnika, privremeno je bila u vlasništvu Fonda za privatizaciju. Ipak, nije se sve društveno vlasništvo pretvorilo u privatno. Imovina koja je bila od velikog gospodarskog značaja, ostala je u državnom vlasništvu. Podložna pretvorbi, bila su ona poduzeća koja su se bavila gospodarskim djelatnostima, te od njih imala većinu svoga prihoda, društva sa ograničenom odgovornošću, te dionička društva. Od postupka pretvorbe očekivalo se mnogo, a zauzvrat se dobilo vrlo malo. Proces je otišao u krivom smjeru. Vrlo često su se zaobilazili zakonski propisi, pokušalo se manipulirati postupkom, itd. U vrijeme započinjanja postupka privatizacije, nije postojao stručan kadar koji bi mogao biti na čelu samog postupka, jer razumljivo, Republika Hrvatska se tada, po prvi puta susrela sa drugačijim sustavom s kojim ljudi nisu bili upoznati. Ideje su se kupile iz zemalja zapadne Europe, te se nisu prilagođavale tadašnjem stanju u kojemu je država bila. Iako je privatizacija temelj Republike Hrvatske koju danas poznajemo, ne postoji puno stručne literature za ovu temu. No, za potrebe ovoga rada, uvelike su pomogle odredbe Zakona o pretvorbi društvenih poduzeća te Zakona o privatizaciji, iako su upotrijebljeni zakoni poput Zakona o nezastarijevanju kaznenih djela ratnog profiterstva, te kaznenih djela počinjenih u postupku pretvorbe i privatizacije, itd. Na samome kraju, analizirana je odluka Ustavnog suda Republike Hrvatske, kao primjer zaobilaženja zakonskih propisa. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The object of this paper is to transform social ownership into private. The conversion process began with the collapse of Yugoslavia and the independence of the Republic of Croatia. By privatizing ownership, he went from the socialist system to parliamentary. When the privatization process was just an idea, it was considered that it would achieve greater company efficiency, reduce unemployment, and reduce government debt. It happened the other way around. However, transforming socially into private property is the foundation of the state we know today. All assets that did not have a new owner were temporarily owned by the Privatization Fund. Nevertheless, not all social property was turned into private. Assets that were of great economic importance remained state-owned. Subordinated conversions were those companies that engaged in economic activities, and they had most of their income, limited liability companies and joint stock companies. Much has been expected from the conversion process, and in turn, there was very little. The process went in the wrong direction. Often, the legislation was overruled, manipulated by the procedure, etc. At the time of the privatization process, there was no skilled staff who could be at the helm of the proceedings, because, for the first time, the Republic of Croatia encountered a different system with Which people were not familiar with. Ideas were bought from Western European countries, and they did not adapt to the state of affairs in which the state was. Although the privatization foundation of the Republic of Croatia we know today, there is not a lot of professional literature on this subject. However, for the purposes of this paper, the provisions of the Law on Conversion of Social Enterprises and the Law on Privatization were largely assisted, although laws such as the Law on Non-Proliferation of War Crimes of War Profit were used, as well as criminal offenses committed in the process of conversion and privatization. At the end, the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia was analyzed, as an example of circumvention of the legal regulations. |