Sažetak | U radu je pružen novi pristup istraživanju romske nacionalne manjine kroz prizmu prava na obrazovanje. Temeljna je pretpostavka rada da postojeći pravni okvir (međunarodni, regionalni i nacionalni) zaštite prava Roma, pa tako i prava na obrazovanje, nije, unatoč uloženim naporima, uspio pružiti djelotvornu zaštitu i zadovoljenje specifičnih potreba ove populacije. Pravo na obrazovanje jedno je od temeljnih ljudskih prava, često isticano kao temelj za ostvarenje drugih ljudskih prava, osobito prava na političku participaciju. Stoga je kroz rad istražena neizvjesna sudbina prava na obrazovanje u današnjem svijetu, koje je pod utjecajem procesa globalizacije. Zatim je dan prikaz relevantnih međunarodnih, regionalnih i nacionalnih propisa za zaštitu prava na obrazovanje, nakon čega se prešlo na istraživanje bogate povijesti i kulturne posebnosti Roma, njihove mitologije, identiteta, te čak i njihovog posebnog pravnog sustava. Potonji je posebno zanimljiv za istraživanje, budući da su pripadnici romske nacionalne manjine razvili vlastiti pravni sustav, drugačiji, štoviše nekompatibilan s pravnim sustavima država u kojima žive. Romi su specifična nacionalna manjina u Europi zbog svojeg transnacionalnog identiteta i stalnih migracija, te zbog bogate raznolikosti svojih kultura i tradicija, različitosti jezika i pripadnosti različitim vjerskim zajednicama i plemenima. Istražena je i situacija romske nacionalne manjine u Republici Hrvatskoj, tako što je pružena slika trenutnog stanja po pitanju obrazovanja romske nacionalne manjine. Ovo je učinjeno kroz prikaz statističkih podataka prema istraživanjima koja su provodile udruge za zaštitu ljudskih prava. U radu su korištene induktivna i deduktivna metoda, metoda analize i sinteze, povijesna metoda i komparativna metoda. |
Sažetak (engleski) | This paper tries a new approach to the research of the Roma national minority through the prism of right to education. The main hypothesis of this paper is that the existing legal framework (international, regional and national) for the protection of the rights of the Roma national minority, including the right to education, wasn't able to secure an efficient protection of their rights and specific needs. The right to education is one of the basic human rights, often cited as a basis for the realisation of other human rights, especially the right to political participation. Therefore, this paper presents the uncertain fate of the right to education in today's world, which is under the influence of the processes of globalization. After that, it presents a view of the relevant international, regional and national documents for the protection of the right to education, following with presenting the rich history and cultural particularities of the Roma, their mitology, their identity and even their own special legal system. The last one is especially interesting as a subject of research, since the members of the Roma national minority have developed their own legal system, different and sometimes incompatible with the legal systems of the countries in which they reside. The Roma are a specific national minority in Europe because of their transnational identity and constant migrations, as well as the rich diversity of their cultures and traditions, the diversity of their languages and their belonging to different religious groups and tribes. The situation of the Roma national minority in the Republic of Croatia has also been researched, by presenting the current state of education of the Roma national minority. This was done through a view of the statistical data gathered from research done by human rights groups. Inductive and deductive methods of writing, the method of analysis and synthesis, the historical method and the comparative method have all been used in this paper. |