Sažetak | Poznati fizičar Albert Einstein izjavio je da je država stvorena za čovjeka, a ne čovjek za državu te time predočio njezinu ulogu prema svojim građanima. Naime, radi se o tome da pojedinci svakodnevno teže za uživanjem u sve širem spektru javnih usluga među kojima su zdravstvo i obrazovanje na samom vrhu ljestvice. Reforma javne uprave čija se provedba godinama činila tek utopijom bila je usmjerena upravo na način oblikovanja i pružanja javnih usluga i službi. U okviru istoga posebna se pažnja pridavala poboljšanju standarda njihovog pružanja, a sve s ciljem stvaranja države koja će svojim stanovnicima osigurati veći životni standard i dostupnost usluga koje su nužne za razvoj cjelokupnog društva. U vezi s time, iako je intencija građana oduvijek orijentirana na to da uprava služi općim interesima ipak je realnost ponekad u ozbiljnom konfliktu s idealnim. Dolazi se do toga da unatoč tome što građani kroz poreze i druga davanja državi sudjeluju u financiranju njezinih organa često zauzvrat ne dobivaju ni približno kvalitetnu uslugu od one očekivane. Obrazovanje kao javna služba od izrazitog je značaja za napredak i opstranak civilizacije. Sam sustav obrazovanja u Republici Hrvatskoj (dalje u radu: RH) provodi se kroz rani predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje, osnovnoškolski odgoj i obrazovanje, srednjoškolsko obrazovanje te visoko obrazovanje i obrazovanje odraslih. Svaka od navedenih razina obrazovanja posebna je na svoj način, a zajedničko im je obilježje da omogućavaju oblikovanje pojedinaca u korisne članove društva. S druge strane, sustav obrazovanja u Njemačkoj u određenim se segmentima razlikuje od onoga u RH, no ipak provodi se s istim ciljem, a to je usvajanje, stjecanje i prenošenje raznih znanja i vještina. Dakle, posve je jasno da obrazovanje predstavlja temelj naših života budući da bez istoga uvelike zaostajemo u gotovo svim životnim aktivnostima. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The famous physicist Albert Einstein stated that the state was created for man, not man for the state, thus presenting its role towards its citizens. Namely, it is about the fact that individuals strive every day to enjoy an ever-widening of public services, among which health and education are at the very top of the scale. The reform of public administration, the implementation of which seemed like a utopia for years, was aimed precisely at the way of shaping and providing public services. Within the framework of the same, special attention was paid to improving the standards of their provision, all with the aim of creating a state that will provide its residents with a higher standard of living and the availability of services that are necessary for the development of the entire society. In this regard, althoughthe citizens intention has always been oriented towards the administration serving the general interests, the reallty is sometimes in serious conflict with the ideal. It comes to the point that, despite the fact that citizens participate in the financing of its organs through taxes and other contributions to the state, they often do not receive in return a quality service that is even close to the one expected. Education as a public service is extremely important for the progress and survival of civilization. The education system in the Republic of Croatia (hereinafter referred to as the Republic of Croatia) is carried out through early preschool education, primary school education, secondary school education, and higher education and adult education. Each of the mentioned levels of education is special in its own way, and they have in common the fact that they enable the formation of individuals into useful members of society. On the other hand, the education system in Germany differs in certain segments from that in the Republic of Croatia, but it is still implemented with the same goal, which is the adoption, acquisition, and transfer of various knowledge and skills. So, it is quite clear that education represents the foundation of our lives, since without it we fall far behind in almost all life activities. |