Abstract | U Tajnom vatikanskom arhivu i u ostalim arhivima Svete Stolice čuva se vrlo obilna i raznolika arhivska građa od najveće važnosti za povijest svih naroda i zemalja svijeta, crkvenu i opću. Ta je građa nastala tisućljetnim djelovanjem papinstva ili Svete Stolice koja je pomoću raznih ustanova i njima odgovarajućih ureda upravljala i upravlja prema različitim razinama nadležnosti: rimskom biskupijom, crkvenom pokrajinom srednje i južne Italije, zapadnim ili rimskim patrijarhatom, katoličkom Crkvom u cijelom svijetu i, napokon, nekoć priličnom prostranom, danas minijaturnom, papinskom državom u Italiji. Razumljivo je onda da je odatle nastala arhivska građa, nužno vrlo raznolika, a njena organska struktura i sama po sebi, bez obzira na smještaj i stanje sređenosti, jako zamršena. Propagandin arhiv, taj dragocjeni rudnik podataka za crkvenu i opću povijest mnogih zemalja naroda, među njima i onih na Balkanu koji su u vrijeme osnivanja (1622.) i u prvim stoljećima djelovanja ove ustanove bili pod turskom vlašću ili su graničile s turskom državom. Propagandin arhiv nije uvršten u Vatikanski, nego je i danas u cijelosti pod izravnom upravom tog zbora. Po sebi je razumljivo da je snalaženje u građi ovog arhiva jednostavnije i lakše nego u onoj Vatikanskog jer se u ovom čuvaju arhivalije samo jedne, pa makar i tako važne ustanove s razgranatom djelatnošću, dočim Vatikanski okuplja mnogo najrazličitijih fondova, zapravo posebnih arhiva raznovrsnih papinskih ustanova iz vremenskog razdoblja od preko tisuću godina. |
Abstract (english) | In the secret Vatican archives and in other archives of the Holy See, there is a very rich and varied archival material of the greatest importance for the history of all peoples and countries of the world, ecclesiastical and general. This archival material was created by the millennial activity of the papacy or the Holy See which, through various institutions and their respective offices, managed and still manages different levels of authority: Roman Diocese, the province of central and southern Italy, Western or Roman patriarchy, the Catholic Church all over the world and, finally, once in a rather large, now miniature, papal state in Italy. It is understandable, then, that archival material that was created there, necessarily very diverse, and its organic structure itself, regardless of the accommodation and condition of order is very intricate. Propaganda archive, this precious mine of data for the church and general history of many nations of the world, including those in the Balkans who at the time of their founding (1622) and in the first centuries of the activity of this institution were under Turkish rule or bound with the Turkish state. The Propaganda archive was not included in the Vatican, but is still entirely under the direct management of that choir. It is understandable that managing of the archival material in this archive is simpler and easier than in the Vatican archive because here is kept archival material of only one, even though so important, institution with a broad range of activities, the Vatican archive brings together many different types of funds, actually special archives of various papal institutions over a period of over a thousand years. |