Abstract | U ovom diplomskom radu pretežito je govora o pravnom položaju žena kroz razdoblje od 1945. godine sve do raspada Jugoslavije 1990. godine. Svakako je za početak neizostavno spomenuti antifašistički front, odnosno organizaciju koja se zalagala za prava žena, a koja je ujedno bila velika odskočna daska za položaj žena u narednom periodu, ali i za danas. Nadalje, kada izborimo prava moramo znati koja prava imamo. Za to svakako važna tri donesena Ustava i zakoni. Prvi Ustav FNRJ koji uvodi osnovna prava ravnopravnosti žena, biračko pravo i druga prava, do drugog Ustava SFRJ kojim se uređuju radna prava žena i njihova uloga u političkom životu do trećeg Ustava SFRJ kojim se uvodi prava žena, ali s obzirom na majčinstvo. Svakako je i važno spomenuti položaj žena u sportu u Jugoslaviji jer je također utjecao na njihovu veliku zastupljenost u sportu danas. Dalje, moramo spomenuti Milku Planinc kao uspješnu ženu u politici, što se može opravdati njenom titulom prve predsjednice Vlade. Svakako je i zanimljivost tko su bile žene ubice i statistika, kako bi mogli usporediti sa današnjom situacijom. Kako su žene Ustavima dobile i izborile mnoga prava, promjenu položaja žena odnosno pokret zvan „feminizam“ također je potrebno provesti kroz sva tri razdoblja feminizma. |
Abstract (english) | In this thesis, the legal position of women is mainly discussed in the period from 1945 until the breakup of Yugoslavia in 1990. To begin with, it is certainly essential to mention the anti-fascist front, that is, the organization that advocated for women's rights, and which was also a great springboard for the position of women in the coming period, as well as for today. Furthermore, when we win rights we must know what rights we have. The three adopted Constitutions and laws are certainly important for this. The first Constitution of the FNRJ, which introduces the basic rights of women's equality, the right to vote and other rights, to the second Constitution of the SFRY, which regulates women's working rights and their role in political life, to the third Constitution of the SFRY, which introduces women's rights, but with regard to motherhood. It is certainly important to mention the position of women in sports in Yugoslavia because it also influenced their large representation in sports today. Next, we must mention Milka Planinc as a successful woman in politics, which can be justified by her title of the first Prime Minister. It is certainly interesting to see who the female murderers were and the statistics, so that they could be compared with today's situation. As women received and won many rights through the Constitutions, the change in the position of women, that is, the movement called "feminism", also needs to be carried out through all three periods of feminism. |