Abstract | Obitelj je temeljna zajednica društva koja ima veliko i presudno značenje za pojedinca, ali i društvo u cjelini. Pored ljepote, obiteljski se život sastoji i od brojnih izazova koji mogu narušavati obiteljsku dinamiku. Udio osoba s invaliditetom se iz godine u godinu povećava te samim time i broj obitelji osoba s invaliditetom. Pojava invaliditeta pogađa svakog člana te cijela obitelj kreće u borbu. Promjenom obiteljske strukture mjenjaju se uloge unutar obitelji i samim time načini uključenosti u zajednicu. Život u zajednici prirodna je potreba svakog čovjeka koju je društvo dužno omogućiti unutar zajednice. Različitim pravnim izvorima to štiti, naglašava i potiče te roditeljska uloga u ovakvim obiteljima postaje izazovnija. Prisutnost podrške potrebna je zbog održavanja obiteljske ravnoteže, bračne zajednice i odgoja ostale djece, tj. uloge braće i sestara. Podrška olakšava obiteljske svakodnevnice i pruža se u formalnom i neformalnom obliku. Obitelji osoba s invaliditetom najčešće se oslanjaju na financijsku, materijalnu, emocionalnu i praktičnu pomoć koju im pružaju članovi obitelji, prijatelji, rodbina, susjedi i drugi neformalni pomagači. Obitelji će koristiti formalnu vrstu podrške, tek onda kada njihove potrebe ne mogu biti zadovoljene neformalnim vrstama izvora. Socijalni rad svoju ulogu pronalazi u borbi protiv stigmatizacije, provođenju strategija za borbu protiv socijalne isključenosti, savjetovanju u procesu prilagodbe i pružanju podrške obiteljima osoba s invaliditetom. Rad s ovakvim obiteljima ima i svoje specifičnosti koje se ogledaju u primjeni holističkog pristupa u kojem je socijalni radnik poveznica između osobe s invaliditetom, obitelji, ustanova i šire socijalne mreže. |
Abstract (english) | The family, as the fundamental community of society, has a great and crucial importance for the individual, but also for society as a whole. In addition to beauty, family life also consists of numerous challenges that can disrupt family dynamics. The share of people with disabilities is increasing from year to year, and thus the number of families of people with disabilities. With the appearance of disability in the family, the whole family goes into battle and it affects every member of the family. In the family, the structure changes, and there is a change in roles and relationships, as well as a change in inclusion in the community. Living in the community is a natural need of every human being and society is obliged to enable it within the community, and this is protected, emphasized and encouraged by various legal sources. The parental role in such families becomes more challenging. Due to the upbringing of other children, the relationships and roles of siblings, and the maintenance of marital and family balance, the presence of support is necessary. Support facilitates families everyday life and it can be provided in formal and informal form. Families of people with disabilities most often rely on financial, material, emotional and practical help provided by family members, friends, relatives, neighbors and other informal helpers. Formal support will be used by the family only when their needs cannot be met through informal sources of support. Social work finds its role in the fight against stigmatization, the implementation of strategies to combat social exclusion, the implementation of counseling in the adaptation process and the provision of support to the family and the person with disabilities. Working with such families also has its own specifics that are reflected in the application of a holistic approach in which the social worker is a link between a person with a disability, family, institutions and a wider social network. |