Abstract | Gledajući kroz povijest žene su se uvijek nalazile u podređenom položaju u svim segmentima društva. Kako bi se to promijenilo osnivale su razne organizacije putem kojih su se borile za svoju ravnopravnost i veću slobodu u društvu. Jedne od takvih organizacija koje su ostavile traga svakako su Antifašistička fronta žena, Savez ženskih društava Jugoslavije, Konferencija za društvenu aktivnost žena. Svojom borbom i ustrajnošću žene su uživale sve bolji položaj u društvu, a koji im je ujedno i po prvi puta bio zajamčen vrhovnim aktom države, Ustavom. 1946. Ustavom FNRJ ženama je bio zajamčen ravnopravan položaj s muškarcima. Veliku prekretnicu za položaj žena imao je i Osnovni zakon o braku koji je svojim stupanjem na snagu označio lagano gašenje patrijarhata, veća prava te slobodu u bračnom životu. Jedna od novosti ovoga zakona je i ta što je propisao uvjete za razvod braka, a njime je brak ujedno i postao ravnopravna zajednica žene i muškarca. U radnom i socijalnom pravu FNRJ mjere za zaštitu žena bile su podijeljene u dvije skupine normi, a to su: mjere za posebnu zaštitu zaposlenih žena i mjere za zaštitu majčinstva zaposlenih žena. U području kaznenog prava propisane su kazne zatvora za različite prijestupe protiv žena, a u nasljednom pravu su izjednačene s muškarcima 1946. godine, a to je i formalno pravno propisano tek 1955. godine. Dok se Ustavom SFRJ iz 1963. nije ništa bitno izmijenilo, onim iz 1974. godine dolazi do bitnijih promjena. Ustav iz 1974. godine propisao je ustavnopravnu slobodu o rađanju djece koja je ženama omogućila pravo na sprječavanje začeća i pravo na prekid trudnoće. Iako se ženama jamčila ravnopravnost u svim oblastima društva to u stvarnosti nije bilo tako. U prilog tomu idu i poražavajući podaci o sudjelovanju žena u političkim procesima na temelju kojih se zaključuje da su se žene i dalje nalazile u drugorazrednom položaju. Unatoč tomu, svakako treba naglasiti da su postojale žene koje su se uspijele suprotstaviti lošoj statistici i tako ostavile duboki trag na političkoj sceni koji se pamti i danas, a to su Savka Dabčević – Kučar i Milka Planinc. Krajem šezdesetih godina područje bivše Jugoslavije je zahvatio prvi val feminizma, a kojega su popratila još dva. Kao jedne od predvodnica feminizma i istaknutijih aktivistica navode se Lydia Sklevicky i Rada Iveković. Feminizam označava društveni pokret koji se zalaže za unaprjeđenje ženskog položaja u društvu. Iako danas živimo u osviještenijem društvu, feminizam traje i dalje. |
Abstract (english) | Looking through history, woman have always been in a subordinate position in all segments of society. In order to change that, they founded various organizations through which they fought for their equality and greater freedom in society. One of such organizations that left a mark are certainly Women`s Anti-Fascist Front, the Union od Women`s Societies of Yugoslavia, the Conference for Women`s Social Activity. Trough their struggle and perseverance, women enjoyed an increasingly better position in society, which was also guaranteed to them for the first time by the supreme act of the state, the Constitution. In 1946, the FNRJ Constitution guaranteed women an equal position with men. A major turning point for the position of women was also the Basic Law of Marriage, which with its entry into force marked the gradual end of patriarchy, greater rights and freedom in married life. One of the novelties of this law is that it prescribed the conditions for divorce, and with it, marriage also became an equal union of a woman and a man. In the labor and social law of the FNRJ, measures for the protection of women were divided into two groups of norms, namely: measures for the special protection of working women and measures for the protection of motherhood of working women. In the field of criminal law, prison sentences were prescribed for various offenses against women, and in inheritance law they were equal to men in 1946, and this was formally legally prescribed in 1955. While the Constitution of the SFRY from 1963 did not change anything, the one from 1974 brought more important changes. The Constitution of 1974 prescribed the constitutional freedom to bear children, which enabled women to have the right to prevent conception and the right to terminate a pregnancy. Although women were guaranteed equality in all areas of society, this was not the case in reality. This is supported by the devastating data on woman`s participation in political porcesses, on the basis of which it is concluded that women were still in a second-class position. Despite this, it must be emphasized that there were women who managed to oppose the bad statistics and left a deep mark on the political scene that is still remembered today, namely Savka Dabčević – Kučar and Milka Planinc. At the end of the 1960s, the first wave of feminism hit the territory of the former Yugoslavia, followed by two more. Lydia Sklevicky and Rada Iveković are cited as one of the leaders of feminism and prominent activists. Feminism is a social movement that advocates for the improvement of women`s position in society. Even though we live in a more aware world today, feminism continues. |