Abstract | U ovome radu obraditi će se tema roditeljskog zanemarivanja djece i preventivnih aktivnosti kojima se može spriječiti ugrožavanje dobrobiti djece i obiteljske zajednice. Rad obuhvaća tematiku obitelji, djece, roditeljstva, prevencije i intervencija, socijalne podrške, opseg resursa za pružanje pomoći i slično. U prvome dijelu rada definira se područje djelovanja profesije socijalnog rada te ono što sveobuhvatno socijalni rad sažima. Nadalje, opisuje se obitelj i procesi unutar obitelji, uz što se veže i naredno poglavlje a to je odgovornost roditelja. U odgovornosti roditelja prema djetetu moguća je pojava namjernih ili nenamjernih propusta, te slijedi poglavlje pojma zanemarivanje djece i sve ono što služi kao opis zanemarivanja djeteta. Potom se opisuje prevencija kao pojam, te nadalje razine prevencije i aktivnosti prema razinama. Navedeno je usko povezano sa zakonskom regulativom te je to iduće poglavlje, koje u svome području sadrži zakone kao što su Zakon o socijalnoj skrbi i usluge toga zakona. Kroz zakonsku regulativu proizlaze grane kao što su obiteljska politika, te briga socijalne okoline (socijalna politika, socijalna potpora) što obuhvaća dužnost građana da se brinu o dobrobiti društva a posebice djece. Multidisciplinarnost iduće je poglavlje u kojemu se opisuje važnost udruživanja profesija koje se zajednički bave istom tematikom odnosno tematikom dobrobiti djece. Uz to se veže školski socijalni rad te socijalni rad u vrtićima kao ustanovama u kojima se dijete razvija i koje pružaju uvid u stanje obiteljske situacije. U sklopu rada spomenutih vrtića provode se preventivni programi, a jedan od najvećih je Program „Rastimo zajedno!“ koji je spomenut u narednom poglavlju. U konačnici su navedeni postojeći preventivni programi te zaključne riječi o problematici zanemarivanja djece. |
Abstract (english) | This paper will deal with the topic of child neglect and preventive activities that can be used to prevent endangering the well-being of children and the family community. The work covers the topics of family, children, parenting, prevention and intervention, social support, scope of resources for providing assistance, and similar. In the first part of the paper, the field of activity of the social work profession is defined and what comprehensive social work summarizes. Furthermore, the family and the processes within the family are described, with which the next chapter is connected, which is the responsibility of the parents. Intentional or unintentional omissions are possible in the parent's responsibility towards the child, and the chapter on the concept of child neglect and everything that serves as a description of child neglect follows. Then, prevention as a concept is described, followed by levels of prevention and activities according to levels. The above is closely related to the legal regulation and it is the next chapter, which in its field contains laws such as the Law on Social Welfare and the services of that law. Branches such as family policy and the care of the social environment (social policy, social support) arise through legal regulations, which includes the duty of citizens to take care of the welfare of society, especially children. Multidisciplinarity is the next chapter, which describes the importance of the association of professions that jointly deal with the same topic, i.e. the topic of children's well-being. In addition to this, school social work and social work in kindergartens are connected as institutions where children develope and which provide insight into the state of the family situation. As part of the work of the mentioned kindergartens, preventive programs are implemented, and one of the largest is the "Let's grow together!" program, which was mentioned in the next chapter. Finally, the existing preventive programs and concluding remarks on the issue of child neglect are listed. |