Abstract | Razvod braka predstavlja prestanak postojanja bračne zajednice između dva partnera. Do razvoda braka dolazi zbog različitih čimbenika, ali najčešće zbog dugotrajno prisutnih partnerskih nesuglasica, preljuba, napuštanja, emocionalnog ili tjelesnogzlostavljanja te provođenja nasilja nad njihovom djecom. O razvodu se braka službeno počelo govoriti tijekom 18. i 19. stoljeća, a u Republici Hrvatskoj nakon Drugog svjetskog rata. Propis je koji uređuje postupak razvoda braka u Republici Hrvatskoj Obiteljski zakon, prema kojemu se razvod braka može pokrenuti sporazumom ili tužbom jednog od bračnih partnera. U Republici Hrvatskoj ima sve rjeđe sklopljenih, a time i razvedenih brakova, kao što je to slučaj i diljem Europe. Na razvod su braka posebno osjetljivi adolescenti, no utjecaj razvoda braka na njihovo mentalno zdravlje ovisi o brojnim čimbenicima poput njihovih prirodno stečenih osobina, dobi, spola, intelektualnih sposobnosti te kvaliteti odnosa s osobama s kojima svakodnevno komuniciraju. Kratkotrajne se mentalne poteškoće adolescenata nakon razvoda braka njihovih roditelja očituju u izražavanju emocija poput ljutnje, bijesa, nesigurnosti, razočaranja, tuge i samookrivljavanja, dok su dugotrajne mentalne poteškoće kod navedenih osoba vezane uz anksioznost, depresiju, kronični stres te različite oblike destruktivnog ponašanja poput ovisnosti i promiskuitetnosti. Srećom, postoji veliki broj domicilnih i inozemnih istraživanja utjecaja razvoda braka na mentalno zdravlje adolescenata koji pomažu u njegovom boljem razumijevanju i doživljavanju. Također, brojni su i načini njegovanja njihova mentalnog zdravlja, pri čemu veliku ulogu igraju zdravstveni, odgojno-obrazovni i pravosudni sustav, kao i sustav socijalne skrbi te civilno društvo i obitelj. |
Abstract (english) | Divorce represents the cessation of the existence of a marital union between two partners. Divorce occurs due to various factors, but most often due to long-standing disagreements between partners, adultery, abandonment, emotional or physical abuse and violence against their children. Divorce was officially discussed during the 18th and 19th centuries, and in the Republic of Croatia after the Second World War. The regulation that governs the divorce procedure in the Republic of Croatia is the Family Law, according to which divorce can be initiated by agreement or a lawsuit by one of the spouses. In the Republic of Croatia, there are fewer and fewer marriages, and thus divorces, as is the case throughout Europe. Adolescents are particularly sensitive to divorce, but the impact of divorce on their mental health depends on numerous factors such as their naturally acquired traits, age, gender, intellectual abilities and the quality of relationships with the people they interact with on a daily basis. Short-term mental difficulties of adolescents after the divorce of their parents are manifested in the expression of emotions such as anger, rage, insecurity, disappointment, sadness and self-blame, while long-term mental difficulties in the aforementioned persons are related to anxiety, depression, chronic stress and various forms of destructive behavior such as addiction and promiscuity. Fortunately, there is a large number of domestic and foreign research on the impact of divorce on the mental health of adolescents that helps in its better understanding and experiencing. Also, there are many ways to nurture their mental health, where the health, educational and judicial systems, as well as the social welfare system and civil society and the family, play a major role. |