Abstract | Nepovoljan položaj žena na tržištu rada goruće je pitanje koje se i u današnjem suvremenom svijetu ne može uspješno riješiti. Ovim radom pozabavit ćemo se problematikom stupanja žena na tržište rada i kakve je to posljedice ostavilo na njih, obitelj, društvo i radno mjesto. Prije nego što se ukazala potreba za ženskom radnom snagom, dakle prije razdoblja industrijalizacije i dva Svjetska rata, između kojih se javio i sufražetski pokret, uloga žena u svim područjima života bila je degradirana. Od isključivo domaćica, majki i supruga, industrijalizacija je kao glavni pokretač promjena u svijetu zapošljavanja žene načinila radnicama, koje su tako po prvi puta dobile ulogu hraniteljica obitelji primajući plaću za rad koji se, ipak samo prividno, preselio iz kuće na radno mjesto. Tako je posljedično, unatoč brojnim pozitivnim rezultatima borbe za pravo na rad i ostala ženska prava, došlo do sukoba između obiteljskog i poslovnog života zaposlenih žena, do kojeg je došlo zahvaljujući tradicionalnoj rodnoj podjeli uloga unutar obitelji. Shodno tome, cilj ovoga rada je prikazati trnoviti put žena ka ostvarenju traženih prava, koji im je osim slobode, mnoštva mogućnosti i neovisnosti donio i pojavu dvostrukih standarda, gdje se od njih očekuje da uz plaćeni rad izvan kuće obavljaju i kućanske poslove koje njihovi muževi nisu čak ni djelomice preuzeli na sebe- stoga bi svi trebali raditi na tome da se u tom pogledu napokon uspostavi ravnoteža. |
Abstract (english) | The unfavorable position of women on the labor market is a burning issue that cannot be solved successfully even in today's modern world. In this paper, we will deal with the issue of women entering the labor market and what consequences it has had on them, their families, the society and the workplace. Before the need for female labor emerged, which is before the period of industrialization and the two World Wars, between which the suffragette movement appeared, the role of women in all areas of life was degraded. From being exclusively housewives, mothers and wives, industrialization as the main initiator of changes in the world of employment made women workers, who, for the first time ever, got the role of breadwinner of the family, receiving a salary for work that, although only ostensibly, moved from the home to the workplace. As a result, despite the numerous positive results of the fight for the right to work and other women's rights, there was a conflict between the family and business life of working women, which appeared thanks to the traditional gender division of roles within the family. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to describe the thorny path of women towards the realization of their requested rights, which, in addition to freedom, many opportunities and independence, brought the appearance of double standards where they are expected to do paid work outside the home as well as household chores that their husbands did not even partially take upon themselves- therefore, everyone should contribute in order to finally establish a balance in this sense. |