Title Razvoj odvjetništva u Hrvatskoj od 1848. do 1918.
Title (english) Development of attorneyship in Croatia from 1848.-1918.
Author Marijan Jurlina
Mentor Jelena Kasap (mentor)
Committee member Miro Gardaš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Višnja Lachner (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Kasap (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Law Osijek (Chair of Legal History) Osijek
Defense date and country 2020-07-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law History of Law and State
Abstract Razvoj odvjetništva u Hrvatskoj možemo pratiti još iz antičkog doba, a ponajviše iz dokumenata koji potječu iz 13. stoljeća (Vinodolski zakon). Tada su se za odvjetnika koristili nazivi poput prokurator ili advokat. Prokuratori su bili ljudi koji su položili prokuratorsku zakletvu. Imali su pravo zastupati kod onog suda kod kojeg su položili zakletvu i bili unešeni u popis prokuratora. Važno je napomenuti da razvoj odvjetništva na svim područjima Hrvatske nije tekao jednako. Svoj suvremeni oblik odvjetništvo u Hrvatskoj poprima u 19. stoljeću. Do 1852. g. djelovalo je hrvatsko-ugarsko uređenje odvjetništva. Godine 1851. područja današnje Hrvatske dolaze pod austrijsku vlast te donošenjem Odvjetničkog reda 1852., dolazi do ukidanja svih dotadašnjih propisa i modernizacije odvjetništva. Prema njemu je odvjetnike imenovao ministar pravosuđa, a kasnije i sam ban. Vrijedio je za područje Hrvatske, Slavonije, Mađarske, Tamiškog Banata i Vojvodine, a njemu su mogli stupiti samo pravno obrazovani pravnici sa odrađenom stručnom praksom kod odvjetnika ili na sudu u trajanju od dvije, a kasnije i tri godine, te položenim prokuratorskim ispitom koji se polagao pred Banskim stolom. Odvjetnički red predviđao je i osnivanje odvjetničkih odbora, ali su isti osnovani tek 1872. kada je donesena Naredba Zemaljske vlade o osnutku odvjetničkih odbora u Zagrebu i Osijeku. Zadatak im je bio da donesu poslovnik rada, plan budžeta, utvrditi stallum agendi u pojedinim mjestima, podnijeti prijedloge za unapređenje sudstva i advokature te čuvati dostojanstvo staleža, vršeći nadzor nad pravima i dužnostima advokata. Do konačnog uređenja advokature u Dalmaciji dolazi donošenjem Advokatskog reda 6.7.1868. godine. U njemu je odmah na početku zakonskog teksta naznačeno da kandidatu za bavljenje odvjetništvom nije potrebno imenovanje od strane vlasti, već ispunjeni zakonski uvjeti i upis u imenik odvjetnika. Znači da je ovim Odvjetničkim redom, uvedena „slobodna advokatura“ u tom smislu što je svaki kandidat koji je ispunjavao određene zakonske uvjete imao pravo da bude upisan u listu advokata i time postao advokat, tj. za stjecanje advokature nije bila potrebna nikakva dozvola od državnih organa.
Abstract (english) The development of law in Croatia can be traced back to ancient times and mostly from documents dating from the 13th century („Vinodolski zakon“). At that time, names like „prokurator“ or „advokat“ were used for a lawyer. Procurators were people who took the procurator's oath. They had the right to represent in front of the court where they took the oath and within the registry of which they were listed as procurators. It is important to note that the development of attorney has not been the same in all areas of Croatia. The attorney in Croatia took its modern form in the 19th century. Until 1852., the Croatian-Hungarian Bar Association was active. In 1851, the areas of today's Croatia came under Austrian rule, and with the enactment of the Lawyer's Order („Odvjetnički red“) in 1852, all previous regulations were abolished and the legal profession was modernized. According to Lawyer's Order, the lawyers were appointed by the Minister of Justice, and later by the „Ban“ himself. It was valid for the territory of Croatia, Slavonia, Hungary, Tamis Banat and Vojvodina, and it could only be entered by legally educated lawyers with completed professional practice by a lawyer or in court for two and later three years and passed the procurator's exam laid in front of the Ban's table. The Lawyer's Order also provided for the establishment of lawyer committees, but they were first established in 1872., when the Order of the Provincial Government established the Lawyer Committees in Zagreb and Osijek. Their task was to adopt rules of procedure, budget plan, determine the stallum agenda in certain places, submit proposals for the improvement of the judiciary, and preserve the dignity of the class, supervising the rights and duties of lawyers. The final arrangement of the attorney in Dalmatia came with the adoption of the Lawyer Order („Advokatski red“) on July 6, 1868. in which at the very beginning the text that a candidate for the practice of law does not need to be appointed by the authorities, but to meet the legal requirements and be entered in the register of lawyers. This means that this Lawyer Order introduced "free advocacy" in the sense that every candidate who met certain legal requirements had the right to be registered as a lawyer and became a lawyer, without permission from the state.
razvoj odvjetništva
Odvjetnički red
Keywords (english)
development of the attorney
„Odvjetnički red”
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:132:210499
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra prava (magistar/magistra prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-04-06 16:10:21