Abstract | Kako bi se u potpunosti ostvario koncept održivog razvoja potrebno je da se sve velike sile podvrgnu njegovom ostvarenju u najvećoj mogućoj mjeri. Bez angažmana velikih država nije moguće postići napredak u tom prostoru, jer primjerice, Hrvatska doprinosi svjetskom onečišćenju sa samo 0,5%. Problem globalnog zatopljavanja je realan s obzirom na činjenicu da se svakih deset godina temperatura zraka poveća zbog ljudske djelatnosti za 0,2 stupnja. Europska unija je za postizanje svojih ciljeva donijela dvije direktive Energy Performance of Buildings Directive 2010/31/EU (EPBD) i Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU. Cilj Europske unije koji se želi postići tim Direktivama je razina CO2 od 0% do 2050. godine i smanjenje od 55% do 2030. godine. Kako bi se to postiglo EU smatra kako je potrebno udvostručiti brzinu „deep renovation“ stambenih zgrada. Kao inicijativa na tom području kojom bi se na lakši način pratilo koje su zgrade zgrade dobre energetske učinkovitosti i motiviralo vlasnike na obnovu, javila se incijativa „Building renovation passporta“. Takva inicijativa se prije svega javila na području Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva, Belgije, Njemačke i Francuske. Potrošaču se po pitanju proizvoda daje mogućnost da zna koji su proizvodi oni koji su usklađeni s postulatima održivog razvoja, pa tako na tom polju postoji više oznaka proizvoda među kojima se ističu EPD i CE oznaka proizvoda. Tri najvažnija dokumenta po pitanju svojih ciljeva klimatske neutralnosti su: European green deal, European Climate Law i Pariški sporazum. Kada govorimo o energetskoj obnovi zgrada na području Republike Hrvatske tu se posebno ističu tri dokumenta: Strategija energetskog razvoja Republike Hrvatske do 2030. s pogledom na 2050. godinu, Program energetske obnove višestambenih zgrada za razdoblje do 2030. godine i Dugoročna strategija obnove fonda zgrada do 2050. godine. U turizmu je potrebno je da svi parametri održivog razvoja budu zadovoljeni(ekonomski, tehnološki, ekološki, društveni i kulturološki ) kako bi destinacija bila dugoročna održiva zbog masovnog turizma. Anketno istraživanje pokazuje mišljenje ljudi o pitanjima održivog razvoja turizma. |
Abstract (english) | In order to fully realize the concept of sustainable development, it is necessary that all the great powers submit to its realization to the greatest possible extent. Without the involvement of large countries, it is not possible to make progress in this area, because, for example, Croatia contributes to global pollution with only 0.5%. The problem of global warming is real, given the fact that every ten years the air temperature increases due to human activity by 0.2 degrees. To achieve its objectives, the European Union has adopted two directives, the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive 2010/31 / EU (EPBD) and the Energy Performance Directive 2012/27 / EU. The European Union's goal of achieving these Directives is a CO2 level of 0% by 2050 and a reduction of 55% by 2030. In order to achieve this, the EU considers it necessary to double the speed of "deep renovation" of residential buildings. As an initiative in this area that would make it easier to monitor which buildings are of good energy efficiency and motivate the owners to renovate, the initiative "Building renovation passport" appeared. Such an initiative has primarily occurred in the United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany and France. With regard to products, the consumer is given the opportunity to know which products are those that are in line with the postulates of sustainable development, so in this field there are several product labels, among which the EPD and CE product labels stand out. The three most important documents regarding their climate neutrality goals are: the European green deal, European Climate Law and the Paris Agreement. When we talk about energy renovation of buildings in the Republic of Croatia, three documents stand out: the Energy Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia until 2030 with a view to 2050, the Energy Renovation Program for apartment buildings for the period until 2030 and the Long-Term Building Renovation Strategy 2050. In tourism, it is necessary that all parameters of sustainable development are met (economically, technologically, ecologically, socially and culturally) in order for the destination to be long-term sustainable due to mass tourism. Survey research shows people's opinion on issues of sustainable tourism development. |